lørdag 26. desember 2020

Declaration of independence, english version, 22th December 2020

I have never violently attacked anyone and will never ever do so.
It is my right and many will agree that it also is my duty
to defend myself in every way, if necessary also with violence if
someone is trying to inject something into my blood against my will.
I have no desire or plan to force others to do anything.
If someone threatens me with an injection into my bloodstream, I will not doubt
one second to use necessary self-defense.

I do not want to hurt anyone
but I will be forced to flee, injure or kill if I am not allowed to live
with my blood flow untouched from forcibly injected drugs.
If I'm killed myself in such a battle I do not care as life
as a robot is completely out of the question and I will fight to survive
no matter how many who try to overpower me.

It is my natural right to move indoors and outdoors without a mask and
it is my right to show compassion by presence and touch
of other people. Being deprived of this opportunity makes us something else
than  human beings. We will become more like robots in this way.
I have no desire to be near anyone who does not want me in their vicinity and I do not have any desire to be near people who wear masks.

It is completely out of the question for me to have any attention / togetherness / communication
with people who follow some of the new "laws" from three-letter institutions etc ......
I have no contempt or desire to ridicule people who follow the measures but my life force
completely fades away by having anything to do with any of this.

The "authorities" believe that everyone is
non authoritative over life decisions and people accept this.
I can not think of Christmas joy or Christmas food
when we all are in jail. I have nothing to talk to people about anymore.
It is very sad to break contact with the most important things in life; people I love.

I do not expect and do not want applause.
I hope for respect from a very few and expect to be labeled with frazes
with no actual meaning such as: conspiracy theorist, aggressive person,
"loner", Nazi, terrorist, ++++, etc ......
Of course, it is ridiculous to defend oneself against such ridiculous accusations.

I can not bear to stay close to all these absurd measures
which are currently in operation. I will never take a PCR test or any other test.
Death would be a preferred choice over the now "normal" inhuman
and unnatural way of life imposed on people.

I go out into nature where I can keep all this at a distance (to a certain extent).
I am a father and the children have grown up. Had that not been the case, I would of course
have done everything to spare them from the abuse that is now taking place in the form of dehumanization
by distancing. The children are not able to defend themselves against abuse and they do not understand either
that they are being abused.

Peace be with us, let the people wake up ....... this year or for example in a hundred years

Kjartan Haug, 22nd Decmber, 2020