Er du interessert i kommunikasjon?
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gjelder like mye mennesker imellom som dyr imellom og
også imellom dyr og mennesker?
Tror du at du kan lære å kommunisere tydeligere?
Stefan Forsman communicates with animals in a way that EVERYONE (people without animal experience and also people with lots of experience dealing with animals ) I know will gain A WHOLE LOT from experiencing. Stefan's clear and logical explanations, as well as his physical work with the animals are very relevant to most aspects of life- whether it involves animals or not. In many ways his clinics are artistic brilliance and theatrical storytelling all done through a very "in the moment feel" although grounded by vast amounts of experience and with very strong and clear founding principles. Children will gain a lot from his clinics too. You will learn how to approach and how to find solutions- not an "how to do it method" as that is not the way to approach communication. True communication can NEVER be a method but it ALWAYS involves honest looks